hey, I'm amerlinhung 👋
I am a cybersecurity architect, an optimist, and an explorer of AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content), currently employed by Tencent Technology, where I help customers build security solutions that meet their needs. In addition, I am actively exploring the use of open source artificial intelligence frameworks to solve practical problems..

I provide cybersecurity services to customers, educating them about web development security, network security, data security, and more. This comes in a variety of forms: blog posts, videos, tweets, conference talks, and workshops. Some of my favorite content can be found below.
Over the past decade, I have consistently published articles on my blog and in my e-newsletter. I always try to keep the content clear and concise. In these writings, I discuss the areas of technology that are of interest to me at the time, or I describe my learning and progress along my career path, always happy to share the knowledge I've gained along the way.
Here're some videos I created via AI Tools
Just like the chaotic beginning in the "Tao Te Ching" where "one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things," we are witnessing the origin and evolution of everything. Artificial intelligence and the diffusion models of neural networks are not merely technological advancements; they symbolize the birth and growth of a new form of life.
I built several public applications using open source tools like Vercel, GPT-3.5, OpenAI, Next.js, Supabase, and Stripe.,
Here's the ebook I created via Gitbook